Tag Archives: sheevaplug

How to set a static IP for a pogoplug and make it persistent

I recently purchased a seagate dockstar off buy.com for $25 with free shipping. For those of you in the know, its essentially a Marvell sheevaplug with less memory and flash size. Its still got the same 1.2ghz proc and built around the same platform, and even though its slightly less on the specs, it makes up for it with USB ports and the fact thats its ONLY 25 bucks.

Seagate dockstar

Seagate Dockstar

After setting up the dockstar, I installed openpogo as I wanted it to replace my NSLU2 which was acting as a transmission bit-torrent downloader and Asterisk PBX. It all installed pretty much ok, but with the exception of setting a static IP for the unit. I initially just set the DHCP options in my router to give it a static IP, but I wanted to know if there was an easy way to do this with the pogoplug software. I ended up emailing pogo support and below is what they told me:

Please read through these instructions carefully. Applying them improperly will result in a bricked or inoperable Pogoplug. By the way, we already have logged an enhancement request to add this functionality in the Web interface at my.pogoplug.com though I have no information regarding a release date for such an update.

You will need to first activate Pogoplug using the default setup I.S.P. modem => router => Pogoplug with an functioning DHCP Server.

Next enable SSH: To enable SSH, login to http://my.pogoplug.com, navigate to the Settings page, select Security Settings, and from the main pane, enable SSH for your Pogoplug. Choose your own SSH password.

Now SSH into your Pogoplug with the username: root and the password you set previously.

At the bash shell prompt, you can assign a static IP just as you would on any linux machine. For this example, I will use eth0:3 aliased interface so we don’t lose our current static IP we are using for SSH. I will also assume my new static IP to be assigned is and the default route gateway is and the DNS name server is

To persist these changes after a power loss or reboot of the pogoplug, issue the following commands at the bash prompt.
-bash-3.2# mount / -o remount,rw,noatime
-bash-3.2# echo ‘ifconfig eth0:3 netmask’ >> /etc/init.d/rcS
-bash-3.2# echo ‘route add default gw’ >> /etc/init.d/rcS
-bash-3.2# echo ‘echo “nameserver” > /etc/resolv.conf’ >> /etc/init.d/rcS
-bash-3.2# mount / -o remount,ro

When done properly, your Pogoplug should continue to function when attached to a DHCP network.

I wanted to post this because I could not easily find it online or in their forums, so I thought this could save someone the time and hassle of contacting their technical support.